Eat Right,
Live Bright
Tailored Meals for Your Health

Our Vision

At Vital Vittles, we envision a world where dietary restrictions are not a limitation but a pathway to healthier and happier living. We strive to be the beacon of support, education, and innovation for individuals and families navigating the complexities of specialized diets.

Our mission

Tailored Dietary Programs

Creating individualized meal plans to cater to the unique needs of those with dietary restrictions, focusing on nourishment and flavor.

Education and Awareness

Offering a wealth of resources, workshops, and seminars to educate individuals, families, and healthcare professionals about the importance and management of specialized diets.

Advocacy and Policy Influence

Advocating for inclusive practices in food labeling, catering, and healthcare, ensuring the needs of those with dietary restrictions are comprehensively met.

Community Engagement

Organizing events and support groups where experiences and knowledge are shared, creating a supportive community network.

Research and Development

Engaging in and supporting research initiatives to further understanding and solutions in dietary health and nutrition.

Founder’s Story

In 2023, my Mom had surgery to remove gallbladder. It sounds not too severe but believe or not, her motivation toward her life, work, and especially joy of diet has been taken away. She was hospitalized several time even after the surgery since the inflammations. The doctor said she can have any diet after few weeks of surgery but she feels unwell of having food with oil……